Dr. Lazowski, Invisalign specialist, general and restorative dentistry

Accelerated Orthodontics

Accelerated Adult Orthodontics offered Near Boston

Accelerated Orthodontics Is Here!!

Dr. Dana Lazowksi is proud to offer advanced PROPEL® technology with Invisalign®

PROPEL® is an advanced orthodontic technique that works with your Invisalign aligners to accelerate your orthodontic treatment.

Dr. Dana Lazowski adult orthodontics

Accelerated Orthodontic Treatment is a GAME CHANGER!

Patients biggest concern about adult orthodontic treatment: TIME!

Now you can Change your Smile & Change your Life ..
In ½ the time of traditional Invisalign® treatment with Invisalign® + PROPEL®

PROPEL® works with your own biology to stimulate the bone surrounding your teeth; helping teeth to move faster and more predictably into their ideal position.

PROPEL® reduces treatment time by as much as 50% which means fewer visits!!

Our patients are very happy and comfortable with Invisalign® + PROPEL®


Change Your Smile … Change Your Life!

Call today for your free consultation. 617.566.5445

Excellerator Series Patient Video